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 “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

~ Mt 25:40


There are many opportunities to help with Welcome Renewal Events!


The upcoming WELCOME/CRHP Weekends require kitchen volunteers. The Kitchen Coordinator will call or text you to confirm your signup at least two days before help is needed.

WELCOME/CRHP set up and clean up helpers work for a couple of hours moving furniture and supplies, decorating before or cleaning the retreat space after. This is a wonderful opportunity for middle/high school service hour completion. 

Offer a holy hour of prayer for the spiritual renewal taking place on the Men's and Women's WELCOME Renewal Weekends as they happen. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open hearts, protect participants and their families, bring renewed joy and peace to all who are part of the weekends, and inspire all participants to seek to grow closer to Christ. Thanking you in advance for your humble and trusting prayers over the Men's and Women's WELCOME Renewal Weekends. 

*NOTE* Prayer angels may pray at home, in front of a crucifix or tabernacle, at the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, or anywhere they happen to be. It is our hope that someone will be praying every hour of each Renewal Weekend.


Unable to offer your time to volunteer but still want to contribute to the continuation of WELCOME/CRHP? We welcome donations to help cover costs of Renewal Experiences. 


Checks can be made out to WELCOME/CRHP (preferred method) and mailed to:



c/o St. Patrick Parish

630 W. Silver Lake Rd South 
Traverse City, MI 49685


Traverse City WELCOME/CRHP is designed to support parish organizations and ministries and sends renewed people back to their parish community. Each of the five Traverse City area parishes offer many ministry opportunity and groups.

The parish websites are an excellent source for ministries, groups, events, faith formation, and Catholic resources. Please take time to explore these sites and become engaged in the rich Catholic community of Traverse City.

Where is God calling you?

We the parishioners of Christ The King Parish, Diocese of Gaylord, are called by our Baptism to share and live out the Word of God, utilizing our Time, Talents, and Treasures.  As a Eucharistic people, we reach out to our brothers and sisters by welcoming all to fully participate in Christian Growth and Worship in our parish, local community and the world. Christ the King is located in Acme, Michigan.

Immaculate Conception Church is dedicated to fulfill Jesus’commandment to love one another as He loves us. With guidance from the Holy Spirit, the parish exemplifies Christian love, sacramental worship, learning of the faith and service to our human family.  Immaculate Conception is located in Traverse City, Michigan.

We, the members of Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, united through Baptism, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, will live the Gospel message of love and service. St. Francis is located in Traverse City, Michigan.

We are a vibrant, welcoming  Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and stewardship to all people. St. Joseph is located on Old Mission Peninsula of Traverse City, Michigan.

We share the Good News of Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Action. We minister to the Spiritual and Life needs of our brothers and sisters. St. Patrick is located in Traverse City, Michigan.

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St. Patrick Parish: 231-943-4633


Christ the King Parish

3801 Shore Drive

Williamsburg, Michigan



c/o St. Patrick's Catholic Church

630 W. Silver Lake Rd S.

Traverse City, MI 49685

© 2024 by Traverse City WELCOME

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